Upcoming School Events
St. Peter School organizes a variety of events that enrich the experience for students and promote our school in the community.
We can always use more hands and anyone interested in helping out is welcome! Click here to help out.
Call the main office at (302) 328-1191, or email Ms. Chapman (chapman@stpeternewcastle.org) to get involved!

Spirit Night at Main Event
Looking for something fun to do over Spring Break?
April 4th from 5 to 8 at the Wilmington Main Event - St. Peter the Apostle will be having a Spirit Night! Come enjoy yourself with other St. Peter families and students and have some fun during Spring Break!
20% of sales (including arcade games, food, gift cards, activities and non-alcoholic beverages) will go to your organization. Excludes alcoholic beverages and service charge.
Just put your receipt in the ballot box at the entrance!
We hope to see you there!

Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
Monday: Oh, the Places You’ll Go! – Wear a shirt from a place you’ve visited.
Tuesday: The Cat in the Hat – Wear your Cat in the Hat hats, headbands, socks, shirts, or dress as your favorite storybook character.
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday – Students may wear mismatched, backwards, wacky clothing.
Thursday: Green Eggs and Ham – Wear a green shirt today!
Friday: One Fish, Two Fish – Wear a red or blue shirt today!

Chipotle Night
33% of sales get donated to the cause! Order online using code WFXY3KH or show this flyer in the restaurant.

School Vendor Show
December 21st from 11AM to 6PM in the school gym.
Vendors reserve a table for $25.
Free entry

Nativity Play
Please join us for school mass at 8AM, followed by the Nativity play at 9:30AM in the school gym.

Christmas Spirit Week
Merry Monday
Twinkle Tuseday
Whacky Wednesday
Ugly Sweater Thursday
Christmas Character Friday

Texas RoadHouse Night
-Come out on the 27th and dine in or take out at Texas RoadHouse in Bear and a percent of your proceeds will go to St. Peter the Apostle.
-Students who bring in their receipt from the restaurant will receive a dress down pass!
Cruise'N Car Show
-We will be hosting a car show from 10 am to 3 pm in the parking lot of our school!
-Free entry!
-If you have a cool old car, motorcycle, or truck the entry fee is $20 per vehicle!
-All proceeds will go to St. Peter the Apostle!

Movie Night
November 3rd - Movie Night!
-From 6 to 9 in the field of the school come out and have a movie night!
-Free admission with 1 canned food item per person!
-We will have a projector and a blow-up screen!
-We will be watching Nightmare Before Christmas!
-Bring blankets, fire pits, food, and whatever you would like!
-A concession stand will be available outside with movie theater popcorn available for purchase!
-If it rains, we will move it inside!